
Angels Dance to Demons Music : Ch4

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Dean was nervous. Dean was never nervous so that fact freaked him out even more. He was currently making his way to Castiel's place to pick him up for their date. Date, the word making the Winchester even more anxious than he already was. He wasn't worried that said date was with a guy; Dean wasn't homophobic and Cas was an amazing person. That's what worried him though. Cas was just so perfect that Dean though that if he messed this up… the idea didn't bear thinking about.

He was now outside the bakery. He glanced at his watch. He was a little early but he went around the back and up the stairs anyway. He raised his hand to knock on the door, thought better of it and raked it through his hair instead. He looked down at himself assessing his appearance. The stain on his favourite AC/DC shirt was barely noticeable and his plaid shirt covered most of it anyways so he assumed he was in the clear. Their was a small rip on the right knee of his jeans and his sneakers were so worn out they were practically talking. What was I thinking, he berated himself, I look homeless.

He took a breath, raised his hand once more and firmly knocked on the door and took a step back. It was Gabriel who answered. "Hey Dean-o," he said, a challenging smirk tugging at his mouth.

"Hey Gabriel, is Cas ready?" Dean asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Maybe," said Gabriel leaning against the doorframe and crossing his arms across his chest. There was a short moment of slightly awkward silence before Gabriel spoke again. "So, what are your intentions with my little brother?"

"Um, well I--" Dean fumbled, completely unprepared for the question. Gabriel smirked at his awkward mumblings. He was saved however by Cas.

"That's enough Gabriel, how would you like it if I interrogated Sam when he comes by?"

"I'd say game on little bro!" smiled Gabriel, clapping a hand on Cas' shoulder and gently pushing him out of the door. "Now you behave you two," he said, his voice dripping with sarcastic motherly concern, "don't get up to anything I wouldn't do," he said with a wink before closing the door.

"Sorry about him," said Cas as they descended the stairs.

"Nah, it's ok. I'd have done the same thing if he'd shown up at our house looking for Sammy," Dean admitted. They walked in comfortable silence for a few moments.

"Are you alright Dean?" asked Cas. Dean looked at him and found his eyebrows knotted together in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just um…"


"Nah, it's stupid, it's nothing," said Dean waving it off.

"When it comes to you, nothing is stupid," Cas stated.

Dean sighed. "I'm kinda nervous, you know, first date and all. I just think that if this doesn't go well then… you won't want to go out with me again."

"That's not stupid. It's normal to be anxious. To tell the truth I'm actually quite nervous too. But Dean," he paused and waited for Dean to face him, "if you think that I'm never going to see you again after one bad date then you are stupid." He smiled up at him and Dean could not help but smile back.

"Hey, I thought you said I wasn't stupid," Dean said, with a mock scandalised expression. Cas laughed.

They continued walking and talking, deciding to cut across the park as a short cut. As they walked Dean could have sworn that he heard some rustling coming from the bushes but the thought was only fleeting. When the rustling started to sound like it was following them, he rounded on the shrubbery and gave it a sharp kick. The greenery shrieked.

"Hey! What was that for man?" asked the foliage. It stood up, the face of Ash emerging from the leaves.

"Why are you following us?" asked Dean ignoring Ash's question. "Why are you hiding in the bushes and why, for the love of God, are you dressed like a ninja? Wait, forget it," said Dean abruptly, cutting off Ash before he had a chance to utter an excuse, "I don't want to know."

"Um, Dean, is he your friend?" asked Cas cautiously. Dean had only now realised that Cas had taken cover behind him and gave a huff of laughter as he stepped aside to ensure Cas that the coast was clear.

"Yeah, Cas this is my brain-dead buddy Ash, Ash this is Cas."

"Hey bro!" said Ash amiably, tripping over himself as he extracted his limbs from the bushes.

"Seriously man, what the hell?" said Dean, gesturing at his get-up after he had plucked the last leaf from his hair.

"You know how I was taken a prisoner in my own home? Well, I escaped," said Ash, a tad too proudly.

"It took you five days to escape your own house?"

"Yup. Wanna hear how I did it?"

"Did it, by any chance, involve the tree that, conveniently enough, grows right outside your bedroom window?" asked Dean exasperatedly. Ash took a minute to think about what Dean had said before nodding his head triumphantly. "And the ninja costume?"

"So that no one could see me escaping, duh."

"In the middle of the day," said Dean, raising an eyebrow at Ash's charcoal turtleneck. Ash thought about it again and the realisation finally hit him.

"Oh. My bad."

"You got that right," Dean muttered. "So why are you stalking us?"

"I need a place to lie low dude, the old woman will be looking for me. She has spies everywhere!" As he said this in a stage whisper, he started to glance nervously around the park in a manner eerily reminiscent to a meerkat.

"Alright, just calm down. You can stay at Bobby's, tell him Dean sent you. Think you can remember that?"

"What do you think I am, an idiot?" asked Ash. Dean didn't think that answering was either necessary or productive. "Thanks bro!" he called, as he turned round, just managing to dodge the bush he had previously been occupying, and 'stealthily' made his way to Bobby's house.

"Sorry about him," Dean apologised as they began to walk again, "he's just… Ash," he finished, unable to describe his friend in words.

"It's ok. I thought he was quite funny, you know, after I found out he wasn't a murderer or a rapist hiding in the bushes."

"Ash couldn't hurt a fly, probably because the fly would out-smart him." Cas chuckled. "And don't worry, if it was a murderer I'd of protected you," he said with an honest smile. Cas looked up and smiled back, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. His smile then slowly changed into a teasing smirk.

"I don't need protecting, I can take care of myself you know."

"Oh, I see," said Dean, rising to the challenge, "so when you were cowering behind me, that was you getting ready to attack, was it?"

"I was not cowering, and I was as a matter of fact. I was just… making sure I had the element of surprise." Dean gave a bark of laughter.

"I'm sure a murderer would be surprised if a small guy like you jumped out at them." Cas was only a few inches shorter than Dean but he was also slimmer. Dean's shoulders were so broad he had to walk sideways just to get through the door.

"I might be small, but I'm strong," said Cas a-matter-of-factly.

"Oh really?" said Dean, not buying it.

"Of course. You have to be strong if you do ballet." Dean raised an eyebrow prompting Cas to elaborate. "Male dancers have to lift the female dancers, that in itself requires a lot of upper body strength. The jumps and turns need strong legs to achieve their height and momentum and do you think we dance on the tips of our toes by magic? That requires both strength in our core muscles and in our legs. I also punched a guy in the face so I think I'm quite strong, don't you?"

Dean's mouth hung slightly agape as he absorbed this new information. He quickly shut it when he saw Cas' head tilt in confusion. Dean then raised a challenging eyebrow. "Is that so? Well, prove it."

"Are you sure?" Cas didn't wait for an answer and quickly rounded on Dean, took a firm hold of his waist and lifted him up almost over his head. Dean flailed and grabbed onto Cas' shoulders as he spun him around a few times before carefully returning him to earth. "Are you alright?" Cas giggled as he saw the look on Dean's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can honestly say I did not expect that," he said easing his hands off of Cas' shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--" Cas was cut off as Dean decided to haul him over his shoulder and spin him around. "Ok, ok! Put me down, put me down!" Cas laughed as Dean began to spin faster. Dean placed him back down and laughed as Cas stumbled over his feet in a dizzy attempt to stay upright. "Point made," Cas said, still giggling from being spun around.

"Think you'll be able to walk?" Dean teased.

"Yes, thank you," Cas smiled. Dean didn't like taking chances so he decided to wrap his arm around the shorter boy's shoulder as they made their way to the cinema, playfully bickering amongst themselves about who gave off the girliest squeal.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Crowley was frustrated. He was almost always mad at something, or someone. Right now he was in the middle of a rare experience; he was angry with himself. He had been texting Aziraphale all morning (well, whatever period of time that counts for a morning when you wake up at 12am) without any answers. A few hours later he had decided to get up off his ass and made his way to the flat above the bakery. He took the stairs two at a time and rapped impatiently at the door. It was Gabriel who answered.

"Oh hello. Crawford was it?"

"Crowley," Crowley gritted out. "Is Zira there?"

"Nope, he went out hours ago."

"Well, do you know where he went?" said Crowley, growing more impatient.

"Nope," said Gabriel, popping the 'p'. Crowley sighed and was about to turn and leave when Gabriel continued. "But, Balthazar does. Hey Balty! There's a Crowell here for ya!" he yelled into the flat.

"It's Crowley!" Crowley shouted. But Gabriel had already retreated into the flat. A moment later a tall Brit stood in the doorway.

"Yes," he said in the bored tones of a person who has put up with someone for so long that the someone's idiosyncrasies become second nature to endure.

"Do you know where Zira is?"

"He went to the library in town last time I checked."

"Thanks," said Crowley turning to leave.

"Hold on a sec," said Balthazar. Crowley turned back around. "Are you serious?"

"Pardon?" said Crowley, not getting Balthazar's question.

"About Aziraphale I mean. Are you serious about him?"

"Of course I am," he said almost instantaneously. It had always been Aziraphale, he'd known the moment he saw him. Balthazar seemed happy with Crowley's answer, gave a terse nod and returned into the flat.

Crowley descended the stairs and started to walk towards the library. Why didn't he think of the library before? Aziraphale loved books, and of course he wasn't going to get a reply to his texts if his phone was on silent, which it would undoubtedly be. Crowley sighed and pulled a hand through his hair.

The library was in sight and Crowley was about to cross the street when something in a shop window caught his attention. As he peered in the window he remembered his short conversation with Balthazar. He was deadly serious about Aziraphale and this was the ideal way of showing him just how serious he was. He glanced at his watch and decided that Zira would still be in the library in the next fifteen minutes. He about turned and made his way home to retrieve his guitar. If Dean ever sees what I'm planning to do, he thought, I'll make him a new hat out of his liver.

Thirteen minutes later Crowley was in the library, his guitar slung over his back and his newly purchased items in a small bag hanging from the neck of his guitar. The old librarian behind the desk gave him a scathing look so Crowley decided that asking this woman anything would result in him being asked none too politely to vacate the premises. He decided to look for Zira the old fashioned way.

The library was bigger than Crowley had originally thought. After scouring the bottom floor he proceeded up a flight of stairs to the next floor. The building was pretty empty of human life so when Crowley saw the back of a mop of blonde hair, he knew that was Aziraphale. He silently crept up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Aziraphale gave a startled squeak and almost dropped the book he was reading.

"Hi Zira," whispered Crowley into Aziraphale's ear. Aziraphale relaxed into Crowley's embrace once he heard his voice.

"Hello Crowley dear," Aziraphale whispered back. Aziraphale shifted in Crowley's arms to replace the book to its rightful place and turned around so that they were face to face. Crowley raised an eyebrow.

"You wear glasses?" he asked.

"Only to read. Their new," Aziraphale blushed and reached a hand up to remove them but Crowley stopped him.

"No, you suit them," he said with a small smile. Aziraphale smiled back, his blush deepening.

"Oh no, I forgot to tell you where I was," said Aziraphale, a guilty expression flashing across his features, "I'm so sorry if you --"

"Hey, it's alright. I found you didn't I?"

"Yes, I suppose you did," Aziraphale smiled. His attention diverted to something over Crowley's shoulder. "Is that your guitar?"

Crowley nodded. "I was thinking, this is a nice place and all that, but we can't really talk, unless we want the wrath of that old bitch at the front desk to rain down upon us. What do you say about us going to the park for a spell, eh?"

"Alright then," smiled Aziraphale. Crowley turned to lead them out. "What's in the bag?"

"I should really take those glasses off you, they give you super observational powers," joked Crowley. "Just a few things."

"Anything for little old me?" said Aziraphale giving his best puppy eyes.

"Well, I did get you this," said Crowley reaching into the bag and producing a single red rose wrapped in clear plastic with a red bow at the base holding it all together.

"Oh Crowley," Aziraphale breathed, "it's beautiful." Aziraphale held it tentatively, as if too firm a hold will cause it to disintegrate. All Crowley could think of as he saw Aziraphale smell the flowers fragrance was, it's not a beautiful as you. They held each other's hand as they left the building, leaving behind them a disgruntled librarian in their wake.

They sedately made their way to a secluded area in the park and sat on a bench. Crowley fidgeted with the bag before he decided to place it on the ground in case Aziraphale picked up on it.

"Are you alright Crowley?" Damn.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just I want to talk to you about something," he admitted, edging slightly closer to Aziraphale.

"What is it?"

"Well," Crowley took a breath, "it's hard to say in words." As he said this he swung his guitar around and positioned it on his lap.

"It's been a while since you've serenaded me, dear," smiled Aziraphale fondly. Crowley plucked a few strings to check if they were in tune.

"I really mean this, so please, if you could listen," said Crowley. He wasn't good at this romantic thing as he only had corny chick-flicks for a reference on this subject. Aziraphale nodded sincerely and waited for Crowley to start. He began to strum a song that Aziraphale vaguely remembered hearing before.

"I like your smile, I like your vibe, I like your style, but that's not why I love you," he sang. His voice was rich and deep with a kind of emotion that he could only successfully express through his music. "And I, I like the way, you're such a star, but that's not why I love you. Hey, do you feel, do you feel me, do you feel what I feel too? Do you need, do you need me, do you need me?" Aziraphale could sense that Crowley was not just singing the words but actually asking him, and he would of told him that yes he did, but he promised to listen. "You're so beautiful, but that's not why I love you. I'm not sure you know, that the reason I love you, is you being you, just you, yeah the reason I love you is, all that we've been through, and that's why I love you." Crowley finally looked Aziraphale in the eye and found him much closer than he had been before.

"That was beautiful," he whispered, leaning in ever closer, "I love you too." He closed the small gap between them, gently pressing his lips against Crowley's. It was short and sweet and chaste and Crowley wanted it to last forever but he had to get this over with while he still had the confidence. Reluctantly he pulled away and laid his guitar on the grass at their feet and picked up the bag. Aziraphale's eyes widened curiously and was about to ask what it was when Crowley pulled out a small box.

Crowley misinterpreted Aziraphale's expression and quickly backtracked. "No, it's not what it looks like, I'm not-- it's not a-- well, just… here." He handed the box to Aziraphale who tentatively opened it with a small smile on his lips from Crowley's awkwardness. His smile then faltered slightly as he looked with slight confusion at the object in the box.

"A key?" asked Aziraphale as he lifted the small metal object out of the box now genuinely curious. "What's this for?"

"Well," started Crowley, suddenly getting the impression that this wasn't one of his better ideas, "my apartment. But I'm not asking you to move in with me or anything, it's just so you can come and go as you please," he finished lamely, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at his guitar.

"Would it be so bad if I did?"

"What?" asked Crowley, his head snapping back up.

"Move in with you," said Aziraphale with bashful smile.

"Don't you think it's a bit fast?"

"Well, we do have a lot of time to make up. Also, Gabriel's flat is terribly cramped what with six people having to share a bathroom." Crowley smiled at that.

"Are you sure?"

"With you, always." Then Aziraphale leaned in again and their next kiss was still sweet but much longer. Crowley wove a hand into Aziraphale's curls while Aziraphale tugged him closer by his shirt. They didn't care that they were on the receiving end of some odd looks; they were too enwrapped with each other to take any notice. When they finally pulled apart slightly out of breath Crowley took Aziraphale's hand and they walked through the park in the general direction of Crowley's apartment. And if Crowley happened to notice that Aziraphale had put the key ring on his ring finger, holding the key tightly in his hand, he chose not to mention it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sam was excited. He knew deep down that he really shouldn't be this happy about the fact that he was going on a proper date with Gabriel but he couldn't help it. He knew he felt something for the short blonde and now that he knew what it was he was practically giddy as he made his way to the bakery. He couldn't keep the idiotic grin off his face as he bounded up the steps to Gabriel's apartment and rapped on the door.

Gabriel swung the door open. "Sammy!" he squealed like the girl he was, his smile blinding. Sam didn't have time to answer as Gabriel threw himself on Sam, his arms around his neck and his legs wrapped tightly around Sam's waist in a crushing hug.

"Ack! Gabe, kinda need to breath," Sam managed to get out. Gabriel pulled back and pecked Sam quickly on the lips before hopping back down to ground level. Sam was about to speak when he was interrupted again by a disembodied voice from inside the apartment.

"Is that the moose finally here Gabriel?" said a female voice which Sam remembered belonged to the redhead called Anna.

"Hey!" said Sam and Gabriel simultaneously. Sam disliked the nickname and smiled at Gabriel for defending him.

"He's not just a moose," called back Gabriel, "he's my moose." Sam sighed. Bang goes that theory. Gabriel turned to Sam and smirked up at him. "And I wouldn't have him any other way." Standing on his tiptoes he placed another kiss on Sam's lips before ushering them both down the stairs. "So Sammy, where are we headed?"

"How does coffee sound?"

"A cliché if ever I heard one," he said with a smirk, remembering their agreement. When they reached the bottom of the steps Gabriel, being a few steps behind Sam, proceeded to jump on Sam's back with a cry of 'Geronimo!' causing Sam to squeak in surprise and right himself before his face met the asphalt.

"Gabriel! What the Hell?!" The only answer he got was Gabriel giggling into his neck as his legs wrapped themselves around Sam for the second time. Sam couldn't help letting out a huff of laughter as he grabbed Gabriel's legs to ensure that the smaller boy didn't fall off. "You really are insufferable Gabe."

"You love it," he said directly into Sam's ear causing a shiver to travel down his spine.

"Come on Gabe, I'm a moose not a pack mule." Gabriel laughed at that but obligingly jumped down. Sam slipped his hand into Gabriel's as they walked down the street, listening to Gabriel's rubbish jokes, their shoulders bumping into each other's from time to time.

Suddenly, from seemingly out of nowhere, a figure clad all in black ran across the road and threw himself behind Sam for cover. Gabriel jumped and was about to throw a fist in the direction of their assailant but Sam beat him to the punch, literally. He shoved the boy off him and was about to send him to the sidewalk when he recognised that dopey face.

"Ash?" he half asked half shouted at the cowering teen.

"Not so loud man, she'll hear you," he whispered, glancing around like a frightened bird.

"Who'll hear me?"

"The old woman. I nearly ran into her so I ran across the street."

"And into me."

"I didn't know it was you at the time." Sam sighed. That's when he noticed Ash's clothing.

"Why the dark clothes?"

"Ninja," he stated like it was the most normal thing in the world to dress up and hide behind strangers in an attempt to escape your mother.

"You kinda forgot the headgear dude," noted Gabriel.

Ash looked about himself, placed a hand on his head and then looked around at the ground. "Crap, I must have dropped it in the park," he said after he had completed his search.

"Why were you in the park?" asked Sam.

"Funny, Dean asked me the same thing." Sam opened his mouth but didn't get the chance to get a word in. "Damn, here she comes. I've got to split, see ya guys," he said before running back up the street, stopping to hide very ineffectively behind every lamppost. Sam just shook his head at him and turned his attention back to Gabriel who was grinning at the retreating form of Ash.

"I really don't know why I am friends with him," he said with an amused smirk.

"Can we introduce him to my friends? That meeting will be all kinds of awesome."

"I don't think that will be a good idea. You have to take Ash in small doses until you've built up an immunity to his idiosyncrasies." Gabriel laughed and took Sam's hand again and continued walking. It wasn't long until they finally reached a small coffee shop and took a seat by the window.

"What do you want?" asked Sam as he shucked off his jacket.

"It's ok, I'll get it."

"No you wont," said Sam with a smile. "My treat."

"Why Sammy, I never knew that you were such a gentleman."

"You're paying next time." Gabriel smiled at that implication of a 'next time' then his smile turned back into his customary smirk.

"Well, in that case, just a latte for me." Sam nodded and went away to retrieve their beverages.

Gabriel, being the sort of person that couldn't sit still for longer than two minutes, decided to root around Sam's jacket pockets. Some loose change, a used tissue – lovely – and… bingo! Gabriel fished out Sam's cell phone and flicked through it, careful to not let his curiosity drift towards his messages. Didn't want Sam getting mad at him now did he? So he decided to stay safe and scroll down his music list.

"Here you go," said Sam, placing Gabriel's drink in front of him. He sat down opposite him and he raised an eyebrow at the object in his hands. "Is that my cell?"

"You've got good taste in music," said Gabriel before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Hand it over," said Sam holding his hand out. "You better not have gone through anything private."

"I've not gone through your messages don't worry." Gabriel took another sip of his drink, still holding onto the phone.

"Please Gabe," Sam asked again.

Gabriel hummed, clicking a few buttons on the cell. "Why? Do you have anything worth hiding?" he said waggling his eyebrows.

"No I don't, so can you please give it back now?" Gabriel tapped a few more of the keys before sighing dramatically and handing back the phone. "Thank you."

"No dirty pictures, such a pity," mumbled Gabriel into his mug as he took another gulp.

"What did you do?" asked Sam, eyeing his phone with caution as if it might detonate on him.



"Nothing, honest."

"Your skills at lying still haven't improved."

"Well…" Gabriel trailed off pulling it out his own cell and hitting a few buttons. Sam's eyebrows were knitted in confusion until music started emanating from his phone, then they shot up to meet his hairline when he heard what song was playing.

"My lips like sugar, my lips like sugar,
This candy got you sprung, this candy got you sprung,
So call me your sugar, so call me your sugar,
Love you some, love you some…"

Sam frantically reached for his cell to hang up, earning a few odd looks from the other coffee shop goers. "How did you change your ring tone on my phone? I don't even have that song!"

"That would be telling." Gabriel had been trying to suppress a laugh all through Sam's flailing and couldn't hold it back anymore. "But the look on your face!" While Gabriel was distracted with laughing Sam swiftly grabbed his phone from the other side of the table. "Hey!"

"I think a little revenge is in order," said Sam tapping away quickly at the keys. When he was done he gave the phone back and smirked at Gabriel as he tried to figure out what Sam had done.

"Ok, what have you changed it to?"

"That would be telling," quoted Sam, grinning inanely.

Gabriel raised a challenging eyebrow. "Call me then."

"I dunno, isn't that kind of desperate? Calling you so soon after calling me?"




"Now that is desperate, begging like that," joked Sam as he flipped open his phone. Gabriel just raised his eyebrow and smirked as he waited for Sam to dial. Sam heaved a sigh, trying to be as dramatic as Gabriel was and failing, and tapped a few more keys. His phone vibrated in his hand and Gabriel waited for the song to play.

"I'm looking at an angel,
And believe me when I say,
She got that whole place glowing,
She got that whole place glowing,
She got that whole place glowing,
Glowing, glowing…"

Gabriel hung up and smiled at Sam. "That's really sweet," he said bashfully.

"It's true though. You light up the room," said Sam resting his hand over Gabriel's on the table. Gabriel looked down at their hands before he leaned over the table to give Sam a peck on his lips. Before he could pull back Sam's other hand had made its way to the back of his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. They pulled away, ignoring a few pointed stares and continued talking and drinking their coffees. Both Gabriel and Sam made a mental note to keep their cells on silent when they were at home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Well, that's the last time you get to choose the film," joked Dean as they walked back to the apartment.

"What, it wasn't that bad."

"A chick-flick is by definition bad."

"You didn't seem to mind it that much," said Cas raising a knowing eyebrow.

"That's because I had a gorgeous distraction," said Dean giving Cas a kiss on the cheek.

Cas hummed in acknowledgement. "Yes, the male lead was quite stunning don't you think?" Cas laughed aloud at Dean's shocked expression. "I'm kidding. It's obvious that his friend was the sexy one."

"Cas!" Cas laughed louder and Dean couldn't suppress his smirk.

They continued to talk about the film and how bad it was until they reached the bakery. They made their way around the back and up the stairs. "Thank you Dean," said Cas leaning on the closed door of the apartment, "tonight was the best I've had in a long time."

"Right back at ya." Dean searched for something else to say but his train of thought was thoroughly derailed when Cas tentatively took a step forward and pressed his lips gently against his own. That's when Dean realised that there was nothing he could say that spoke louder than actions, which, as he was currently experiencing, spoke volumes. They both reluctantly pulled away from each other and Cas smiled up at Dean who was smiling back.

"Goodnight Dean," said Cas opening the door.

"Yeah, night, and Cas?"

"Yes Dean?"

"Love you."

Cas smiled and quickly placed another kiss on Dean's lips.

"I love you too."
Title: Angels Dance to Demons Music
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters / Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel, Crowley/Aziraphale, mentions of other humans and angels.
Rating: PG - 13
Warnings: Some strong language
Genre: Teen/Romance
Length: 5192 Chapter 4

Summary: Castiel hates having his life lived for him. When he starts to take matters into his own hands he is not prepared for the boy who quickly runs into his life.

A/N: Here, by popular demand, is the next instalment which focuses on our lovely couples on their dates. I hope this isn’t a too saccharine and over exhausted concept but I don’t care, it was fun to write! I must admit that quite a lot of Google-ing was done during the production of this chapter. As I previously mentioned I have not a single clue about ballet dancing so all those facts are courtesy of our favourite search engine. This is definitely going to be the last instalment of this story. I’d like to thank everyone who stuck with it right from the beginning; you are heroes and heroines of my fandom war and I salute you!

Disclaimer: I do not have the privilege of owning these amazing characters but if I did the world would be a completely different place. . .

:bulletblue: Chapter 1
:bulletgreen: Chapter 2
:bulletblue: Chapter 3
:bulletgreen: Chapter 4
© 2012 - 2024 Anenenemeney
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I have to say...the second paragraph had me busting up. That is EXACTLY how I think when I go anywhere.